The LumiCeuticals Advantage:
- Designed For Multi-Dimensional Health of Mind, Body, and Spirit
- All LumiCeuticals systems combine light and vibrational energy by pulsing their light at beneficial frequencies.
- Pulsed light has been shown to have greater absorption, activation, penetration and effectiveness.
- Each system contains 7 Nogier frequencies and 3 highly accurate series sweeps that automatically
provide Nogier, Solfeggio and exclusive Golden Harmony frequencies. - LumiCeuticals’ Pro6 controller offers 88 custom harmonic resonance sweep settings with 9999 individual frequency options and includes software to create unlimited vibrational light frequency playlists. This proprietary feature sets Lumi apart from any other light energy system on the market. The LumiVibe Grow6 controller can be upgraded with this custom feature.
- Medical grade invisium diodes deliver wavelengths that are well researched for safety and efficacy.
- FDA OTC Clearance for Pain Relief, Increased Circulation, & Injury Recovery
- 3 Year Full Warranty
- All LumiCeuticals products come with free educational support to further optimize the benefits of your harmonic light system.
- Cost Effective In-home Trial Programs
- Each controller contains EMF reduction chips for your health and safety.
LumiVibe Go2/Go3/Go4
The LumiVibe Go systems are perfect for convenient, deep delivery sessions to a specific area and as an economical, portable system for home or travel. Connect a portable relaxation, restoration eye mask or portable blue/infrared buster pad to the controller for even more powerful holistic results on the go.
LumiVibe Flex3
The LumiVibe3 is compact, economical, starter system that delivers FDA cleared pain relief and circulation enhancement with our large, flexible body pad while helping the nervous system to shift from stress to rest, digest and heal with our relaxation eye mask. Flexibly enhance your sessions by adding a 3rd pad that best fits your needs.
LumiVibe Grow6
The LumiVibe Grow6 is a smart choice for a versatile, economical, expandable harmonic light therapy package that delivers FDA cleared pain relief and circulation enhancement, deep relaxation. This system starts with 3 pads and 10 modes but can grow to as many as 6 pads and 99 modes with 9999 possible frequencies with a future upgrade.
LumiVibe Pro6
The LumiVibe Pro6 is our favorite system. In addition to delivering FDA cleared pain relief, circulation enhancement and its meditative relaxation with our most popular pad sizes, the Pro6 offers the exclusive advantage of a customizable frequency environment for professional results for the home or office.
LumiVibe Pro10
The LumiVibe Pro10 is our most comprehensive harmonic light system and the best value for professionals and home users looking to take their Lumi light experience to the highest level. In addition to the exclusive custom frequencies and personalized programming capabilities, the LumiVibe Pro10 comes with 6 pads, a free cordless system unit and a free facial rejuvenator.
LumiPure Chakra Wand
Shine the pure light of red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, indigo and violet directly on the skin or on the subtle energy field. Each head pulses its pure visible light at 432hz and magnetically attaches to the cord-free wand.
Individual Products
With each LumiCeuticals system you can add or upgrade the size of pad or color of light according to your unique health needs. Explore the innovative pad designs of LumiCeuticals to personalize your light experience.
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