Allan C. – Parkinsons

Allan C. – Parkinsons

“It was amazing to watch his Parkinson’s related tremors stop while he was experiencing the alignment session.” -Marta Deberard I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in about 2014 and my most prominent symptoms were tremors on my left side,...

Jennifer A. – Eye Improvement

I am a Medical Massage Therapist, I specialize in rehabilitative massage as well as energy/emotional release techniques and I knew I wanted a light therapy set. I believe in the power of light therapy and wanted that benefit in my office for my Massage clients. I knew...

Kari G. – Knee Pain

A couple I know had a few days left before embarking on an extended cross country trip in their RV earlier this summer. His knee had suddenly gone out of commission. Both had previously experienced the initial relaxation session and really took to the frequency...

The Power of Remote Sessions

Annie deals with daily depression and anxiety and early morning texted me with severe symptoms of her daily episodes.  With Annie’s permission I was able to energy test what her body specifically needed.  Using muscle testing I connected to her name and age...

Kidneys and Lights

I want to share a great experience that I have had with the lights. I am in my mid-fifties, and was diagnosed in my early twenties with Kidney Disease. Through diagnostics, it was identified at that time that my left kidney was atrophied and badly damaged, functioning...